Winston-Salem NC Motorcycle Wreck Results in Serious Injuries
Winston-Salem, NC (January 18, 2021) – Winston-Salem motorcycle wreck on University Parkway seriously injures biker.
A motorcyclist in Winston-Salem, North Carolina was seriously injured on Saturday when he was hit by a car. The wreck happened on University Parkway when a woman attempted to turn left in a Walmart parking lot and crossed the path of the biker.
The 50-year old biker was not able to stop his Kawasaki motorcycle and collided with the women’s Chevrolet. The biker was taken by EMS to a local hospital for treatment. The driver of the Chevrolet was cited for an unsafe movement violation.
North Carolina Motorcycle Wreck Lawyers

The lawyers at Hendren Redwine & Malone have focused their practice on representing motorcycle and moped accident victims for the past 20 years. You can read more about our work on behalf of injured riders at our website dedicated to the rights of North Carolina bikers.
If you or a family member were involved in this incident and have questions about your legal rights, please contact Hendren Redwine & Malone and ask to speak with Mike Malone.
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