Raleigh I-440 Beltline Accident Results in Injuries
Raleigh, NC (March 15, 2021) – A serious wreck on the Raleigh, NC Beltline westbound lanes results in injuries including to at least one person named Andrew Godwin.
A moment of inattention for a driver on Wednesday morning on the Raleigh Beltline has resulted in injuries to several people including a driver Andrew Godwin. The wreck happened early in the morning on the Beltline between Capital Boulevard and Wake Forest Road.
According to available information, a man driving a car became distracted by one of his children and swerved and struck the median rendering his vehicle disabled and without lights. After that happened, a second vehicle driven by Andrew Godwin tried to avoid the wrecked car but was unable to and struck the disabled vehicle.
Mr. Godwin and several occupants of the first vehicle were injured and transported to the hospital.
While Mr. Godwin was cited for several traffic violations, it does not appear that these violations were the cause of the wreck. Our firm recently litigated a similar case for a driver who could not avoid a highway collision and obtained a successful result for our client.
North Carolina Lawyers for Serious Injury Accidents

The lawyers at Hendren Redwine and Malone have helped victims of serious accidents across North Carolina including in Wake County where this serious wreck occurred.
If you or a family member were involved in this incident and have questions about your legal rights, please contact Hendren Redwine & Malone and ask to speak with Mike Malone. Our lawyers have helped families of wrongful death victims across the state of North Carolina and we have handled many cases in Raleigh, North Carolina where this wreck occurred.
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